Friday, August 17, 2007

My photographs for you to see

To add a little bit of content on my page I put this photo here. I named the photo "Virgen" because it is - as far as I know - a statue that represents Virgen de Guadalupe. It is a very small statue that is (or was) situated underwater on the coast of Cozumel island in Mexico. I was snorkeling when I saw it. Just love the way light falls on it. I wish it still is there, cause it is such a beautiful sight and I am sure the fish appreciate it too. At least as a shelter.
This picture is from 1991 and it was taken on slide film with a Nikonos uw-camera.

I hope hurricane Dean did no harm to her.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Here I come.
Into the world of bloggers. Guess I am gonna sit here all days and nights and tackle with my keyboard. Not.
Why then.

I will let you know what I think is important, interesting or fun. So come back every now and then and see where this blog will take you to.

My main interests today are stereophotography, animation, freediving, Thai-cuisine, video-editing, virtual learning environments, high quality tequilas, spanish, lighthouses, electric gliders, mountaing unicycling, X-plane flight sim. Did I forget something?

Feel free to give a comment on one of these subjects - or something else if you like.

Yeah yeah yeah, ok. I do admit that this is pretty much as a test bed. But you never know what will emerge - right?

Here is one for you: This book I just finished reading is probably one of the bests I ever read:
Gordon Ramsay: Humble Pie


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